About me

My name is Caleb A Santos. I am a Pastor and have my own online ministry. I have, lately, been burdened to see many people struggling in their finances. While I am not a millionaire, I have seen how the good Lord has helped me gain some experiences and means to make money. As a Minister, I have been bothered at how people have stereotyped my fellow Pastors as money-grabbing individuals. While there have been a few bad apples in the bunch, my intention is to help people make money using practical means of investing and earning income.

For example, how would you like to make a few bucks part-time or even full-time? The age of the internet provides for many individuals, a chance to earn some extra money on the side. There are, even, free courses that one can take to learn a trade. As for investing, God has shown me a way in which you can invest in the stock or crypto market without using your money.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, read on and see that it is. If you like what you read, welcome aboard. Let me make it clear, especially concerning investing, do your homework and get good financial advice before you put your hard-earned money to work for you. Thank you for reading this and God bless.